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The genesis of Forum of Free Enterprise lay in two separate articles on Free Enterprise, both appearingin the issue of Times of India dated 31st March 1956;one being “Free Enterprise in India”by A.D. Shroff; and the other, “Free Enterprise and Freedom” by Murarji J. Vaidya. The central theme of the two articles wassimilar, pleading for an appropriate and increasing rolefor the private sector in the economic development of the country, and, more importantly, the need to protect free enterprise in India. A.D. Shroff’s article also articulated the relevant organizational framework toprotect, promote and project free enterprise in order to highlight its role in India’s democratic structure.

On the day the two articles appeared, Mr. Farrokh S.Mulla, the head of Public Relations Department of TataGroup, congratulated Mr. A.D. Shroff on the latter’sincisive article and even offered his help in setting up an organization to preserve and promote the cause of free enterprise. This enthused Mr. A.D. Shroff and the two of them later met on the same day and discussed about establishing the organization. They also called upon Mr. Murarji J. Vaidya and decided to take the idea forward. This led to the three of them – Mr. A.D. Shroff, Mr. Murarji Vaidya and Mr. F.S. Mulla – networking with a few like-minded persons, all of whom were enthusiastic about the proposition.

A series of meetings took place over those eventfulmonths of 1956. Several friends in other cities were alsocontacted and most of them spontaneously supportedthe idea.

After several rounds of serious discussions, it wasdecided that the organization be set up under the name:Forum of Free Enterprise. The Founding members, who also formed Forum’s first Council of Management were:

  • Mr. A.D. Shroff
    Bombay (President)
  • Mr. S. Anantharamakrishnan
    Madras (Vice-President)
  • Col. L. Sawhney
    Bombay (Vice-President)
  • Mr. S.K. Sen
    Calcutta (Vice-President)
  • Sardar Mohan Singh
    New Delhi (Vice-President)
  • Mr. M.A. Sreenivasan
    Bangalore (Vice-President)
  • Mr. Murarji J. Vaidya
    Bombay (Vice-President)
  • Mr. F.S. Mulla
    Bombay (Hon. Treasurer)
  • Mr. F.P. Mehta
  • Mr. K.C. Cooper
  • Mr. N. Dandekar
  • Mr. T.M. Desai
  • Mr. S.N. Haji
  • Mr. K.G. Khosla
    New Delhi
  • Mr. M.R. Masani
  • Mr. M.A. Master
  • Mr. Chimanlal B. Parikh
  • Mr. C.M. Srinivasan
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