While Forum was established in July 1956, it was instrumental in establishing three other organizations during its journey. They are:

  1. The A.D. Shroff Memorial Trust in 1966
  2. Nani A. Palkhivala Memorial Trust 2004
  3. M.R. Pai Foundation in 2004

When A.D. Shroff passed away on 27th October 1965, J.R.D. Tata suggested that a Trust be set up to perpetuate his memory. Following this the Trust was set up and registered in 1967. The Trustees then were:

  • Mr. Nani A. Palkhivala (Chairman)
  • Mr. K.M.D. Thackersey
  • Mr. B.M. Ghia
  • Mr. Jaykrishna Harivallabhdas
  • Mr. Tulsidas Kilachand
  • Mr. J.H. Tarapore
  • Sir Cowasji Jehangir

The present Trustees are:

  • Mr. Minoo R. Shroff (Chairman-Emeritus)
  • Mr. H. P. Ranina (Chairman)
  • Mr. Deepak S. Parekh
  • Mr. Bansi S. Mehta
  • Mr. Y.H. Malegam
  • Mr. Shreyas K. Doshi
  • Mr. Nirmal Bhogilal
  • Mr. Dileep Choksi
  • Mr. Raman Jokhakar

Mr. Minoo R. Shroff (Chairman-Emeritus) passed away on 14th April 2024